Стажировка в Credit Suisse для студентов с инвалидностью

Duration: 2 years

Intake / start dates: 5-7 interns on April 1st, 2021

Target: students in their 3rd year of university bachelor degree (and 4th year in case you are going to join Master’s Program)

Employment: students work part-time (20 hours per week) and are employed by Credit Suisse Moscow on fixed-term contracts.

CS Departments participating in the rotation: International Wealth management, Global Markets, Investment Banking Capital Markets, International Trading Solutions, Risk Management, Finance, Product Control, Legal and Compliance and others. Specific FO departments’ requirements/preferences will be taken into account for future placements in the front-office departments.


  • Each intern spends 6 months in total in the Corporate Functions Departments and 18 months in total in the different front office departments.
  • Individual rotation program for each intern to enable proper distribution and value across Credit Suisse Moscow.
  • Assessment each 3-6 months. Following the assessment results and upon agreement by all parties FO internship can be extended in the same FO department for up to 12 months (maximum).


  • Excellent command of the English and Russian languages
  • Day-time department of the university of the full period of internship
  • You have good academic records
  • You show deep knowledge and strong enthusiasm for banking and finance topics and a long-term focus on providing demanding clients with tailor-made solutions
  • You have an open and persuasive personality with excellent interpersonal skills
  • Strong analytical/sales skills
  • You show an above average ability to work collaboratively across cultures in a global environment which enables you to contribute to the team’s success
  • You are a dedicated, proactive and trustworthy teammate with a high client focus

Этапы отбора:

  1. On-line assessment
  2. HR interview
  3. Собеседование с отделами

Резюме направлять по почте: anna.grachikova@credit-suisse.com


Связаться с нами

г. Москва, ул. Олеко Дундича, д. 23,
каб. 105-108
8 (499) 270-4637
пн. - чт. с 9.00 до 18.00,
пт.  с 9.00 до 16.45

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